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Grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints and Roman Catholic traditions, including a stint at a Catholic school; somewhat sadly, before the point at which young women (people - not the misogynist Mormon class) wore kilts. Attended church until a teen, but held atheist sentiments from a young age, despite being in a family full of believers. This is a place for my thoughts regarding religion on both a personal level and relating to the world, of which I am a member... And Mormons say journals are a good thing :)

January 28, 2008

"Your Mormon Overlord is dead"

Those words, from my boyfriend who was reading Fark, was how I found out about the biggest news in The Kingdom.

I saw him speak in the late 90s and I was awed at how old he was. He was born before at least one of my grandparents, yet even at that time, he had outlived them (this person never smoked and I don't think they ever drank either, save for mass, so it's not an argument for the Word of Wisdom)

Regardless of lifestyle, everyone has to die at some point. For Gordo, this was his.

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