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Grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints and Roman Catholic traditions, including a stint at a Catholic school; somewhat sadly, before the point at which young women (people - not the misogynist Mormon class) wore kilts. Attended church until a teen, but held atheist sentiments from a young age, despite being in a family full of believers. This is a place for my thoughts regarding religion on both a personal level and relating to the world, of which I am a member... And Mormons say journals are a good thing :)

August 10, 2008

Missionary Meeting

On Friday I was walking down the street with a friend. I saw a guy in a white shirt with a black tag off to the side walking up the street, and my first thought was "Mormon missionary!" but since I didn't see his companion I then thought he was a nerdy yuppie coming home from work.

Then I saw his tag and his partner. And then they stopped us.

The one who talked for most of the conversation asked if I knew anything about the church. I told them I used to go, and was baptized. He asked if I'd be interested in going back, and I was truthful and said "No; I don't want to waste your time" Half way through our talk we made introductions and shook their hands, like 'should of done this earlier, heh'

After we parted ways, my friend said they had to go wash and/or burn their hand. I thought that was over the top; I mean, it's not like the missionaries are abusing their palm.

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