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Grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints and Roman Catholic traditions, including a stint at a Catholic school; somewhat sadly, before the point at which young women (people - not the misogynist Mormon class) wore kilts. Attended church until a teen, but held atheist sentiments from a young age, despite being in a family full of believers. This is a place for my thoughts regarding religion on both a personal level and relating to the world, of which I am a member... And Mormons say journals are a good thing :)

October 15, 2008


Do you remember the day you officially became an agnostic?
Since I could recall comprehending the concept of God, I've always questioned their/its validity.

How about the last time you spoke or prayed to God with actual thought that someone was listening?
Never. When I was younger I thought someone might be listening, but I always had doubts.... How can one prove there is someone or something listening? If there is someone or something there, how can they hear my prayers along with the millions of others who are also praying? If there is a God, does s/he delegate the job to workers? If that's the case, how can God be all knowing and all powerful?

Did anger towards God or religion help cause you to be an atheist or agnostic?
Not initially. When I was very young it was more centered around an inability to believe and an inability to forge a "personal relationship with my Creator" (as some believers like to put it) Believing in God seemed as stupid as believing in the Tooth Fairy, and when I - at my Priesthood Parent's advisement - prayed to know the truth, I received nothing... By the time I was in middle school I had a lot of resentment about religion, since I had to go to church with my family and all of my peers seemed to blindly believe in something so utterly stupid.

Here is a good one: Were you agnostic towards ghosts, even after you became an atheist?
I'm actually more open to the idea of energy existing in some form after we die then I was when I was younger... Previously my only exposure to the idea of ghosts was through people like Silva Browne and the kinds of Wiccans who like to dance around trees and wear patchoui (no offense to those who like dancing in the forest)

Do you want to be wrong?
No, cause if I am, I'm so going to burn.


Chino Blanco said...

If you've yet to join the conversation re X-Mormon of the Year over at Main Street Plaza, this here is your official invite! ( And all apologies for this spamalicious OT comment ! )

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I've thought about this very much..... and I agree with you to some degree.