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Grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints and Roman Catholic traditions, including a stint at a Catholic school; somewhat sadly, before the point at which young women (people - not the misogynist Mormon class) wore kilts. Attended church until a teen, but held atheist sentiments from a young age, despite being in a family full of believers. This is a place for my thoughts regarding religion on both a personal level and relating to the world, of which I am a member... And Mormons say journals are a good thing :)

June 11, 2007

Mormonism and Marriage

Mormonism "is all-encompassing and it informs every aspect of your life. It's easy. You don't really have to make decisions for yourself. Decisions are made."

One of these decisions, often unspoken and assumed, is that you will marry someone of the opposite gender and have multiple children with them. Personally, this does not sit well.

My primary partner is male, but we aren't married for several reasons, all of which go against Mormon ideologies:

  • Anti-Government While the LDS church had conflicts with the government in the past, they are currently opposed to any action against the state and ask for members to follow the 'law of the land'
  • Pro-Queer Even though gay marriage is legal where we live, it is not the case in many places. In Utah LGBT people cannot marry or adopt and (I cannot find the link, but will post it if I can) can be fired or evicted.
  • Pro-Woman The LDS church is arguably anti-feminist. There are feminists, albeit not radical or anarchist, however the power structure is patriarchal - there is even a prayer entitled "Patriarchal Blessing"

The last two points can be true for the Catholic church as well. I am unsure of the Catholic position on government (but can take a wild guess)

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